Saturday, April 24, 2010

The results are back

We finally got Mari's test results back. It took 5 weeks, but they are here.
All the results came back normal, which is great news. They wanted us to do the 4-hour test to check her growth hormone levels. We found out however, that our insurance will not cover the test. The fact that they would be injecting her with medicine to make the growth hormone be released they would not cover it. We thought about just paying for the test ourselves, but found out that the test is $300 at the cheapest.
The doctor told us just to hold off doing the test and we will take her back in at the end of the summer to get reevaluated to see if the test even needs to be done.
Until then we will continue feed her as much as we can and hopefully get her to grow on her own.
Thanks again to everyone for your concern. It was always so nice to have people ask me how things were going with the tests. It is so nice to know that we have so much support from everyone.